Poems by Yujin, Julia & Addie
Students of the Creative Writing Elective randomly selected lines from Simon Armitage's book of poems titled Tyrannosaurus Rex Versus The Corduroy Kid. They then based their poems on the lines they selected. As you will read, some of these poems took a dark turn.
Thought he could text and drive...
The deflated face and shrunken scalp
A motionless body on the black barren ground
People behind the yellow tape crying for help
As his heart beats his last crying for help
All because of one other
Who didn’t listen or bother
And thought he could text and drive
Before picking his son up from school at five
By Yujin '20
Firing shoes
Oh women the soles of your feet are fire in your sensible shoes,
beautiful and hardworking as you are,
you powerful neck however,
carries up the heavy clay pots.
Walk, walk and walk,
you spend hours and hours under the burning sun
to get water, food and to work,
just to keep your child alive,
your husband to feel a bit more satisfied,
but what your have gotten back,
are only pairs and pairs of worn-out shoes.
By Julia '19
I’m ugly because I think shopping is strictly for the acquisition of material goods. I never cared about how people thought I looked. I never cared how I thought I looked and I still don’t. Sometimes I make a game out of it. How ugly can I be today? That is how I build myself esteem. When I see people whispering or pointing at me, I simply shake it off and add another point to the score. So every night for a bonus point, I look in the mirror and I say “Wow, I’m beautifully ugly”.
By Addie '20